| 123/MERC-6RV-OLD
 Products : 123MERCEDES-6-R-V-OLD 
for older 6-cyl. Mercedes
The 123MERCEDES-6-R-V-OLD is especially designed for "older" 6-cyl. Mercedes engines. The unit offers most of the advance-curves asked for by knowledgeable Mercedes restorers, and is therefore usefull for : - Mercedes 180 - Mercedes 219 - Mercedes 220a, 220S, 220SE - Mercedes 300, 300b, 300c - Mercedes 300S, 300Sc - Mercedes 300SL a 123|MERCEDES6-R-V-OLD can replace one of these 'Bosch' - distributors : VJUR6BR24, VJUR6BR32, VJUR6BR38 VJU6AR10, VJU6BR21, VJU6BR21T VJU6BR26 & ZV/PCS6R1T |
direct. |
: CW (topview) |
voltage |
: 4,0-15,0 Volts |
range |
: 500 - 7000 rpm |
temperature |
: -30 to 85 Celsius |
coil |
: stock or High Energy coil |
primary coil NOT below 1,0 ohm |
dwell |
: constant current, fully autom. |
time-out |
: after 1 second current is switched off |
spark-bal. |
: better than 0,5 degr. crankshaft |
vacuum |
: advance starts at 5 inchHg |
stops at 10 degr. @ 10 inchHg |
gearshift retard > 17 inchHg |
max.advance |
: 45 degr. crankshaft |
wiring |
: red = +6V or +12V, black = '-' coil |
SEE a 123ignition unit in action on 'YOU TUBE'