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123 ignition - electronic ignition for classic cars


Products : 123MG-4-R-V

for all MGA & MGB's

123MG-4-R-V The 123MG-4-R-V is designed especially for the MGA and MGB.

For MGC see 123GB-6-R-V

All the advance-curves, that were EVER specified for these cars, are integrated into this product. And even more than that : there is a fine-tuned curve for the so called 'stage-two' engines too!

Static-timing is on TDC for all MGB-engines.

The unit offers :
- vacuum-advance
- automatic dwell
- spark balancing
- automatic power-cut after 1 second
- gearshift retard
direct. : CCW (topview)
voltage : 4,0-15,0 Volts
range : 500 - 7000 rpm
temperature : -30 to 85 Celsius
coil : stock or High Energy coil
  primary coil NOT below 1,0 ohm
dwell : constant current, fully autom.
time-out : after 1 second current is switched off
spark-bal. : better than 0,5 degr. crankshaft
vacuum : advance starts at 5 inchHg
  stops at 10 degr. @ 10 inchHg
  gearshift retard > 17 inchHg
max.advance : 45 degr. crankshaft
wiring : red = +6V or +12V, black = '-' coil
SEE a 123ignition unit in action on 'YOU TUBE'

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