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  123 ignition - electronic ignition for classic cars

The 123VOLVO-B18-B20-4-R-V is a unit that fits the B18 and B20 4-cylinder Volvo carburetor and injection engines. It fits cars, trucks and boats (VOLVO PENTA)


Please be aware you need the 123VOLVO-B18-B20-4-R-V-IE for Bosch D-jetronic injection support.


It has advance-curves for the full range engines from B18A to B20F as well B18 and B20 based Volvo Penta engines.


The unit also offers optimised LPG / Ethanol-curves for these engines.The unit offers a maximum total of 16 advance-curves to be selected by the end-user.

Volvo-B18-B20-4-R-V – 123ignition



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